Board Candidates Elections 2024-26 Term

Board Candidates Elections 2024-26 Term

We’re hosting our annual board elections next month and are opening the call for applications! There are up to 5 seats open, with several current board members running and room for several new faces.

Applications can be submitted here by November 10th 2023.

Call for Applications

The Internet Society engages in a wide range of Internet issues, including policy, governance, technology, and development, and has more than 110 Chapters around the world. The San Francisco Bay Area Internet Society Chapter focuses on Internet access issues, diversity, and digital inclusion in California. We are a non-profit, registered in California with a regional Board of Directors and 1070+ members.

As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) entity with a working board, the SF Bay Area ISOC Chapter’s work is funded entirely by donations, sponsorships and grants and we rely on volunteers to carry out our day-to-day activities.

Our mission is simple: The Internet is for Everyone.


  • Oct 25: Launch call for applications.
  • Oct 25 – Nov 10: Receive, vet, interview, accept or reject applications on a rolling basis.
  • Nov 10: Deadline for applications.
  • Oct 25 – Nov 15: NomCom conducts candidate interviews
  • Nov 15: Launch voting
  • Nov 29 – Nov 30: Vote confirmation period.
  • Nov 30: Vote confirmation period ends.
  • Nov 30: Vote tally
  • Nov 30: Results announced

Open Positions:

  1. Member of the Board / Member Engagement & Outreach Chair: Plan and curate outreach and engagement events, meetups and conferences that may be of interest to the Chapter members. 
  2. Member of the Board / Projects Chair: Define our projects roadmap, seek project partnerships, apply for grants from ISOC Foundation and various organizations and oversee the execution of the projects until completion.
  3. Member of the Board / Communication Chair: Assure strategic communications with the Chapter’s stakeholders via newsletter, website, social media, etc. and manage our branding / marketing.
  4. Member of the Board / Industry and Academic Chair: Establish relations / collaboration, secure sponsorships, corporate memberships and establish multi-year partnerships with local academic institutions and corporations.

Nomination Committee 

  • Jessica Dickinson Goodman (Chair)
  • Ken Krechmer
  • Ellen Lovelidge
  • Tom Thorley
  • Caitlin Doyle
  • Fatema Kothari